Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Qualifying Life Event


If it is not “Open Enrollment” (the one time each year you can make changes or buy health insurance), you’ll have to have a “Life Event” to get coverage.

If any of the following listed ‘life events’ occur, you’ll be eligible to enroll into a health insurance plan WITHIN 60 DAYS from the date the event takes place.

Read the full article:

Health Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Bad Behavior: Drivers Know It’s Wrong, But Many Do It Anyway


If you have been driving for years or even decades, being behind the wheel probably feels as effortless as breathing. While new drivers tend to be more mindful of keeping their eyes and attention on the road and both hands on the steering wheel, seasoned drivers tend to be more relaxed and let a few good habits slide.

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Auto Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

Monday, January 24, 2022

Short Term Health Insurance for Nevadans


Short term health insurance is designed to provide coverage during times of transition when traditional health insurance coverage may be impractical or unavailable. For example, Las Vegas, Nevada residents may opt to purchase this coverage when they’ve taken a new job and have a waiting period before their long-term policy begins, if they’re rolling off their parents’ insurance or if they’re losing coverage following a death or divorce.

Read the full article:

Health Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is a Health Care Sharing Ministry Right for Me?


For households that are buying their own health insurance, the monthly premiums for even the most basic coverage can be crippling. In many cases, a family’s health insurance premium may be their highest bill, surpassing even their rent or mortgage payment. Fortunately, there is a cost-effective alternative to traditional health insurance that allows families to enjoy coverage without having to significantly alter their monthly budget.

Read the full article:

Health Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

How To Change A Flat Tire

Whether you are driving across town or across the country, a flat or blown tire can be a stressful experience. Knowing how to take care of it yourself quickly and safely can provide peace of mind and help prevent more extensive damage to your vehicle.

Read the full article:

Auto Insurance in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554