Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Connection Between Prescription Drug Prices and Health Insurance Premiums

A new post has been published on our website. 

Drug Prices Affect Your Health Insurance Premium. It's not just your imagination; prescription drug prices in the United States are high. Prescription drugs are estimated to comprise about 17% of overall personal health care services. Health insurance companies must figure high drug prices into their premiums.

Read the full article: CLICK HERE

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

Additional Info

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Health Insurance - Nevada Is Leaving in 2020

A new post has been published on our website. 

Why the Switch Back To Nevada Health Link? There are several reasons for the transition away from Ultimately, the goal is to provide Nevadans with more affordable health insurance coverage, easier access to plans that they need, cost the member and the State less money, and have our own State autonomy.

Read the full article: CLICK HERE

Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Phone: (702) 898-0554

Additional Info